Radio waste baler C-2100-1-300

In 2016, the Balta Press plant manufactured a PPS-2100-1-300 press for the needs of Rosatom State Corporation. The press has no analogues in Russia and abroad. PP S-2100-1-300 has a two-stage compression, designed for pressing waste 200 liter drums in accordance with GOST 13950 (maximum dimensions of a drum: diameter - 680 mm, height - 860 mm). Applications: machine building, metalworking and specialized enterprises for the processing of secondary materials.

The press has a system for puncturing barrels, the liquid from which is drained into a special sump installed on the press, with further pumping into containers for storing radioactive substances. The press can work in severe climatic conditions of the Far North. Package density - not less than 2000 kg / m3. The press is painted with a special paint with preliminary treatment in a spray booth.

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Technical specifications

Compression force300 tons
Chamber size1200х700х800 mm
Bale size700x300 mm
Baling time480 sec.
For detailed information on technical parameters, please contact the sales department
Radio waste baler C-2100-1-300

See also